Mouses Pierion
Mouses Pierion – (Muses of Pieria Prefecture)
In the spring of 2011, unemployed women and volunteers decided to fight the crisis with community solidarity. This is how the social partnership "Muses Pierion" was founded in Katerini and it is officially the first social cooperative in Greece.
Today, these women create jobs for unemployed women by making traditional housewife-style pasta, sweets and jams.
In doing so, you strengthen the local economy and also promote the emergence of local agricultural crops such as kiwi, strawberries, cherries, etc.
The profits from the sales are used for new jobs and the expansion of the manufactory.
Here the social benefit is promoted by the production of the goods.
This is the principle of collective action, participatory work and cooperative organization.
The goals of this small women's manufactory are:
•Creating jobs for unemployed women by making traditional housewife-style pasta, sweets and jams.
•The emergence of local agricultural crops (kiwi, strawberry, cherry, etc.)
• Strengthening of the local economy The purpose and mode of operation of the cooperative are based on the following principles:
• Promoting social benefits through the production of goods or the provision of collective and social services
•Using its profits to grow jobs and expand its business
•The beginning of the solidarity economy